Oct 26, 2018
In this episode of The .NET Core Podcast, I talk to Steve "Ardalis" Smith about open source etiquette, design patterns, and the process of breaking monolith applications down into micro-services.
Oct 19, 2018
In this episode of The .NET Core Podcast, we introduce ASP.NET Core, and talk a little about it's history (including going all the way back to ASP)
For full show notes, see: https://dotnetcore.show/episode-8-asp-net-core
Oct 12, 2018
In this episode, we talk to Jeff Fritz about building communities and how he has used Twitch to create a global community around .NET
Oct 5, 2018
In this episode of The .NET Core Podcast, we cover the topic of Mono - what is it, where did it come from, and why do we need it?
For full show notes, see: https://dotnetcore.show/episode-6-but-what-is-mono