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The Modern .NET Show

Apr 30, 2021

Support for this episode comes from The Waffling Taylors

The Waffling Taylors is a blog and podcast about video games, their history, gaming culture media, and video game movies.

Remember: you can also always follow the show on twitter @dotnetcoreshow, and the shows host on twitter @podcasterJay

In this episode of...

Apr 16, 2021

Support for this episode comes from The Waffling Taylors

The Waffling Taylors is a blog and podcast about video games, their history, gaming culture media, and video game movies.

Remember: you can also always follow the show on twitter @dotnetcoreshow, and the shows host on twitter @podcasterJay

In this episode of...

Apr 2, 2021

Remember: you can also always follow the show on twitter @dotnetcoreshow, and the shows host on twitter @podcasterJay

In this episode of the .NET Core Podcast we talked with Vijesh Salian about whether the C# programming language and the .NET ecosystem are good choices for beginner programmers.

The full show notes,...